The Benefits Of Incorporating Reclaimed Wood Siding In Your Restaurant
Design trends come and go and come back again decades later with a determined popularity. Reclaimed wood siding and paneling is one of those trends that was a hit with designers about 50 years ago and faded out in favor of more modern techniques. Not to be outdone by more advanced trends, wood siding is back but with a slight twist.
Reclaimed wood siding utilizes the same basic concept of the wood siding that previously reigned over interior design, but its weathered look and eco-friendly production give it modern attributes that today’s consumers love. Know these benefits of using reclaimed wood siding in your restaurant and you’ll nail the exact design look you want for your restaurant.
An Eco-Friendly Choice
Today’s consumers value features that prioritize the well-being of the environment, and they appreciate a company that chooses to make that a priority. Making business decisions that are eco-friendly shows customers that you value the planet and have a mindset that is in line with the modern times. You’ll also get the personal satisfaction of knowing that you were able to create a restaurant without using materials that caused further harm to the environment.
Reclaimed wood siding is environmentally-friendly because it is made from recycled wood. Out of all construction and demolition waste, 20% to 30% of it is made up of wood. Reclaimed wood uses this “waste” to create unique and aesthetically-appealing siding, paneling, furniture, and more. No trees are cut down to make reclaimed wood paneling. Instead, each piece of reclaimed wood has its own history and its own life before it was installed in your restaurant.
Adds Warmth To Any Room
One of the best qualities of wood is that it adds a natural warmth and sense of comfort in any space. As a naturally-occurring material, people instinctively associate wood with memories of campfires, log cabins, and adventures on hiking trails. Wood has been around you from an early age, so when you incorporate it into modern designs it brings a feeling of nostalgia and comfort.
When a customer enters your restaurant, you want them to feel at ease and you want to make a good impression so that they come back. Reclaimed wood siding is far more inviting than stark drywall, yet less busy and fussy than wallpaper. It also isn’t aesthetically-overwhelming like many popular paint colors today and will do the job of relaxing your customers. By giving them such a positive impression of your restaurant, customers will remember that good feeling and return with friends and family to share the experience.
Gives A Unique Flair
As reclaimed wood is recycled from other individual pieces of wood, no two siding panels will be the same. If you choose to side multiple walls in your restaurant, then each wall will be unique because of its panels with varying grains. Not only will the panels be different from each other, but they’ll be different from any other restaurant that also incorporates reclaimed wood siding.
When choosing reclaimed wood siding, you’ll be able to choose between several different wood options. They’ll each have their own grain, color, and texture, leaving the decision up to you and your vision for your restaurant. No matter which you choose, you’ll have a one-of-a-kind look that will impress customers for years to come.
Provides versatility
While people naturally associate wood paneling with log cabins and bonfires. There are endless aesthetic possibilities from which you can choose for your restaurant’s design. You can pair reclaimed wood with living plants. And greenery to give your restaurant an all-natural look, or compliment it with exposed brick. And metal accents for an industrial design.
Reclaimed wood siding can be used in several different ways in one space. As previously mentioned, you could install it on every wall for a warm and cozy space. Alternatively, you could create one accent wall of stunning reclaimed wood. This would serve as a great focal point for your restaurant’s design. It would also work well in the design of the bathrooms or of the kitchen, especially if it is open for customers to see inside.
Shows a classic taste with a modern twist
People are already familiar with wood paneling. It adorned dens, offices, studies, living rooms, and basements during the 1960s and 1970s. Before that, dark wood paneling used in European castles and manors during the times of Shakespeare and Queen Elizabeth I. Wood siding immediately gives an air of sophistication. And timelessness that you can’t find with standard drywall and paint or tiling.
While you reap those classic benefits, the reclaimed nature of the wood gives it the needed sprinkle of modernity. With weather or gray paneling, you let customers know that will not stuck in the past. Rather, you’re blending together the old. And the new to create a restaurant design that is fully unique to your sensibilities.
The design choices for your restaurant don’t have to be just design choices. Instead, the features you install can give you practical advantages as well. In an age in which everyone is looking for the best deal. And wants one purchase to have several different uses, reclaimed wood paneling and siding can do just that.