These Rustic Wood Look Outdoor Tabletops have been a common request for many year. Because our reclaimed wood tops are so popular, people have always wanted to use them outdoors but we have discouraged it. Neither our wood tops and ANY OTHERS last outdoors.
These tops are made with a high-resolution image of our reclaimed wood embedded into a resin. The surface even has a wood grain texture and the ends have a wood end-grain. The resin can withstand the elements that mother nature provides and holds up well. Easy to clean and, like our real reclaimed wood tops, provide a warm, rustic feeling to your restaurant ambiance. These are made to hold up outdoors but can also be used indoors as an easy to maintain alternative to the real reclaimed wood tables. Using indoors AND outdoors offers continuity to your look if you choose to use them in both areas.
These are the perfect outdoor table tops!
Top are are about 1.25″ thick and mount to bases with:
#10 Wood Screw 3/4″