Use Social Media to Discover Guest Satisfaction
Social Media and Guest Satisfaction
Social media offers a useful tool for gathering information on guest satisfaction at your restaurant. Getting this information is a must because if guests are not happy with the experience, you need to know about it. Guests may not always leave feedback; they may simply never come back.
You can put the various social media links on your restaurant’s website and even on the menus. This makes it easy for people to connect with you and know the best forums to contact you, address their concerns, and share positive things with the rest of the community.
A restaurant page in today’s day and age is a must – and it’s free for you to have one. Many people use Facebook, and they are happy to tag a restaurant when they are there. Many people will also leave feedback on the wall of the page if they like or don’t like something. It can help you determine if a review is what most people feel or if it was one bad experience. For example, if everyone is complaining about you not having a happy hour or they don’t like a particular server, it may require you to take a good look at what’s going on – and see if some changes can be made.
Twitter is another social platform where people may make notes about their experience. Use a couple hashtags to represent you out there so you can find out what people have to say. Maybe you make one about general restaurant comments and another for suggestions.
Do you have an Instagram page? This is a great way to encourage people to share their experiences through the use of photos. Encourage people to take a photo of their delicious meal or infused cocktail and post it up online. Give everyone a hashtag to use so you can easily find their comments. You can also have your restaurant name in the comments with the ‘@’ attribute. Make it easy for people to tag your restaurant so you know what is being said.
Social Media and Guest Satisfaction – Own Your Social Media Presence
It’s easier to discover guest satisfaction levels if you own your presence. People are going to use social media and talk about your restaurant whether you are on there or not. If someone puts a negative tweet out there, you can find it if you’re present – and reply to it so they know their concerns are being addressed, too.
If you hear the same complaints over and over again, it may be time to do something about it. It’s likely that there are others who feel the same way but chose not to say anything. Once you make a few changes, announce it on the various social media platforms so people know you are being proactive and listening to what they have to say.
Social media is free and a useful tool for your restaurant. It can help with marketing, providing updates, and learning more about your demographic.